
The Ingham County Drain Commissioner’s rebuild of a 100-year-old urban storm drain is nearing completion. Using green stormwater infrastructure strategies to eliminate 96% of the 50,000-75,000 pounds of pollution annually contributed to the Red Cedar River from the urbanized area near Frandor. Learn more about the Montgomery Drain here.

Massive GSI Project Nears Completion

From the Greater Lansing Regional Committee for Stormwater Management – Calculate your Residential Stormwater Runoff. Roads, commercial buildings, and large public parking lots certainly generate a great deal of run-off, but so do our own residences.  At home, rooftops, driveways, patios and other hard surfaces prevent precipitation from absorbing into […]

Calculate your stormwater runoff

The Augmented Reality Sandbox (ARS) is a surface and groundwater modeling tool developed through the Mid-Michigan Watershed Connections Partnership, led by MidMEAC, together with the Eaton Conservation District and the Greater Lansing Regional Committee for Stormwater Management. ARS is a 3D, interactive, educational tool aiding the understanding mapping, topography, watersheds, […]

Watershed Education in Mid-Michigan Leaps Forward with Augmented Reality System